MSU named Year One Winner at the EcoCAR 2012 Competition

May 29, 2012

EcoCAR 2: Plugging In To the Future named Mississippi State University its Year One winner at the EcoCAR 2012 Competition in Los Angeles. The results were announced during a ceremony in Los Angeles, Calif., following six days of judged competitions. In addition to the overall first place finish, the team brings home $13,000 in prize money and five individual category awards: Best Facilities Inspection, Best Final Technical Report, Best Project Initiation Approval Presentation, Best Trade Show Evaluation, and Best Controls Presentation. Team member Rachel Wheeler won the Women in Engineering Award.

This year’s Mississippi State team consisted of more than 80 undergraduate and graduate students from 16 different majors. Mechanical Engineering award winners include (by hometown):
CLEVELAND–Women in Engineering award recipient Rachel Wheeler, a doctoral candidate in mechanical engineering
NASHVILLE, Tenn.–Mechanical group leader Josh Hoop, a graduate student in mechanical engineering
STARKVILLE–Team leader Matthew Doude, a graduate student in mechanical engineering

For the complete press release from MSU, please go to: