Myers speaks to JROTC/STEM students

January 9, 2012

Dr. Oliver J. Myers, assistant professor in mechanical engineering, was invited to speak and inspire students participating in the JROTC/STEM Program. The program includes a summer residential camp and then a fall outreach program with Jackson Public Schools JROTC program. They are partnering with EPSCoR to provide the in-school outreach activities. Scientists from Jackson State (Glake Hill), Mississippi College (David Mager), and Univ. Medical Center (Robert Hester) delivered a program on STEM and assigned activities to teams within each school. The winning team from each school was then selected to come to MSU for our Dec 10 program. Hopefully, the partnership will continue for the next 5 years, if the U.S. Army decides to continue funding.

Please see links below with some articles on the STEM related efforts (leaderSTATE):